Probably on the outside for this but I feel Juarez and Chen need to go.

To be clear, the actors have done a great job with what they were given but the show writers have turned them into obnoxious characters that have no place being police officers.

Juarez came in with her "auras" and got called out on it, yet it still persists pushing her beliefs into everything overstepping at every point as a rookie. She regularly fails to follow orders as well.

She did not have a good introduction to being likeable and has not grown on me at all. One aspect I realised how badly they screwed up with her character is when she got into an argument with Tim, Grey and Nolan during the sister investigation. My first thought was here we go again with her, then I thought she does have a reason to be like this here. The fact in a story ark about her I'm not giving her the benefit of the doubt first does not say much for her character.

Chen started out as a great character, she has an interesting background and reason for pursuing this as her carrier. Then over time they flipped who she is and is now making me question if I still want to watch the show.

She used to be insightful and self aware with a drive to help those who are just in a bad spot. How much of that is left? She is now all about UC, never considers her actions even though her pettiness interferes with the job, distracts from what is immediately important and does not easily accept accountability.

Lopez, Nyla and Bailey are all well done female characters. They are not perfect but their good far outweighs the bad and they actually will try to change when called out on something. It makes no sense how these two group of characters are so far apart.

I could understand it if the character is suppose to be not liked such as Monica but that is not what it feels like with these two.