How can I find a "thoughts and feelings" style therapist?

Hello everyone, apologies in advance if I missed that this has been asked before.

I recently started therapy with a licensed counselor after wanting to do therapy for a long time; I realized that it is insured for me. I was excited to start because I participated in a group CBT program while in the military after I was diagnosed with Bipolar type 2, and found it immensely helpful.

After a few sessions with this licensed counselor, I have realized it's not what I am looking for at all. I have no issues with the counselor's professionalism or anything like that, however it seems their style/method is almost entirely practical applications-based.

For example, telling me that I should take the specific steps to leave a harmful relationship. I 100% agree with them, and don't really need any help with the practical steps of how to make that happen. What I am much more interested in is delving into how that relationship has made me feel, exploring what role I may have played in how the relationship happened, and how I can heal after that relationship is ended.

Similarly, they are quick to offer advice on getting better sleep, nutrition, stress management, etc. I know those things are important, and I do want to put more emphasis on improvements in those areas, but I guess I just personally don't have a need for a therapist to motivate me in those areas. I am more interested in analyzing how I am/think now, how I ended up this way, and what steps and thoughts I can use to both have a better acceptance of how I am now and better work towards how I would like to be. I know for sure that I have issues being vulnerable, and I would like to change that. However, there isn't much need for me to learn vulnerability when the entire session is focused on practical life steps.

Did I by happenstance land on a therapist with this focus on practicality? Is there some specific type of qualification or method I can search for that would better meet my desires listed above? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!