Theory About the Safeguard and Cleaning in the Silo Finale

I believe the Safeguard activates whenever someone fails to clean. Here are some points that support this theory:

  1. Safeguard Activation: The Safeguard system seems to be triggered by the failure to clean, leading to the silo's downfall.
  2. Lukas's Whisper: In the final episode, Lukas whispers something to Bernard that the algorithm has revealed. This information suggests that the situation is beyond repair, regardless of whether the key lights up or not. Lukas tells Sims, "It doesn't matter if the key lights on or not because It's over."
  3. Meadows's Decision: Remember Meadows? She wanted to go outside before it all ended. When she saw Juliette didn’t clean, she might’ve realized the Safeguard had been triggered, and she just wanted to feel free for the last time.
  4. Silo 17 and Solo: In Silo 17, the insurrection began after someone went outside without cleaning. Solo's parents might have known that the Safeguard was activated, which is why they wanted to stop it.

What do you think? Could the Safeguard really be tied to cleaning, or am I reading too much into it?