I love Carisi and Twitter makes me mad

I realise this might be a polarising post because people have different opinions on different characters so please, don't fight in the comments. I also hope this doesn't go against the guidelines, I read through them and I don't think it does. I'm sorry in advantage if that was the case.

I recently started looking into the SVU fandom despite being a fan of the show for years. I was today years old when I found out that a lot of people on Twitter seem to dislike/hate Carisi??? I thought he was one of the most appreciated and beloved characters. I'm also confused on what they said about a marathon about him "Of what? His greatest failures in court?" And "what are they gonna show besides his greatest Ls" I haven't seen many of his episodes as ADA but it didn't look like he failed that much in court to me. Barba failed too, every character fails at something throughout the show. I feel like people are unfairly hard on Sonny in general like he is so hard working and has a strong sense of justice while still being empathic and understanding (most of the time), compassionate and caring. I honestly don't get why someone would hate on him. If I met someone like him irl, I would go crazy over him and his personality. I get preferences but boy those people were acting as if seeing him on screen equaled some kind of torture or how they put it their "worst nightmare". To me Carisi os one of the best characters of the whole show. He has his ups and downs, like all of them, bur for what I've seen he has always been consistent... am I missing something? I feel like I'm taking this too seriously but out of all the characters that might not be fully liked I never expected Carisi to be "treated" like that.

Edit: I just noticed I wrote Twitter instead of X, sorry lol, old habit 😅