5712 PPF V1
1) Dealer name: trusty
2) Factory name: PPF
3) Model name (& version number): 5712 V1
4) Price Paid: €363
5) Album Links: all pictures above
6) Index alignment: good no issue
7) Dial Printing: good no issue
8) Date Wheel alignment/printing: good no issue
9) Hand Alignment: looks good to me
10) Bezel: smooth no issue
11) Solid End Links (SELs): n/a
12) Timegrapher numbers: perfect
13) Anything else you notice: my real only question is that the watch has a ZF tag, but it is meant to be a PPF V1 (fake power reserve). i am not aware of any 5712 made by ZF so it it just a mistake putting the tag on? I have asked for videos about moonphase and date rotation