A man should never be vulnerable with his partner, since women can't handle men's emotions

This idea of vulnerable husband is once again an theoretical/idealistic/unrealistic progressive agenda imposed to reality. Or at least, it's a misuse of terms

I have thought for years that women are more emotionally intelligent than men, but in reality they are just users of social structures that provide emotional support. They are generally more unstable (more sensitive and greatly influenced by their hormonal cycle) and need a man's emotional stability to feel safe

Women are wired to lose respect/attraction toward a vulnerable man and this loss will destroy the couple. I am not saying a man shouldn't be open with what he is going through but he should state that in a neutral manner with a solution

I am a firm believer a man should be in control of his emotion by understanding them and using them as a additional information for his decision making process instead of rejecting them or being lead by them as many men do nowadays

A woman only need a man's honesty. His vulnerability and true feelings are for trusted male friends or mentors. That's why healthy male circle are a must for a man's growth

Women should stop saying they want vulnerable men and men should stop whining about things. Those two behaviour don't help at all

What are your thoughts ?