Here is my Updated Omnibus plus Epics/Trades Collection. I am also the Guy who posted yesterday about slowing down my comic spending.

First off. I want to thank each of you for your advice on yesterday's post. I have started to set an overall goal/vision on what my curated comic library should be. It currently is a work in progress in terms of shelving displays. Some comics and even some books are with other Marvel/DC comics so the books down fall down. I am most proud of my X-Men, Daredevil and Batman comic. Which I would re-read more than other comics so far. So they will be the main part of the collection highlighted. I plan to get more shelving units for more space. I have a smaller book shelf beside that I could move to my other over 6 foot Billy Bookcase that I mostly have my Classic Doctor Who/NuWho DVD/Blu-Ray collection. Also do have storage boxes that I could take a few Epics or even Omnibuses that I have maybe already read or am not reading at the moment, and put them into storage boxes. I currently am reading The Incredible Hulk Epic Vol. 1. And plan to get some Bill Mantlo/Peter David Epics since I heard great things. Obviously in-print and discounted. Which I wouldn't spend in one month. Amazing Spider-Man I am not reading other than briefly starting to read The Symbiote Saga in the Birth of Venom TPB leading up to the introduction of Venom. So when I could more IH Epics I could put Spider-Man temporarily in the storage. I already have 3 comics in my storage box near my bed. Including the first Volume of Scott Pilgrim by Brian O'Malley. I need to the rest of the volumes eventually. I love the film and I have read the first volume which was pretty much beat for beat indentical to the first 20 minutes or so minutes of the film. Down to the exact panel/frames and exact dialogue.

Also I have recently put Neil Gaiman's Sandman Vol. 1 and also Bad Omens by Gaiman/Prachett in that storage box. With the very serious sexual abuse allegations about Gaiman, it is not the right time for me to display any of his books until some time has passed and the victims get justice. It's hard to look at them right now. Gaiman was an inspiration for me when restoring my passion for writing. But I take sexual abuse allegations very seriously and I believe the victims. Gaiman is a great writer. But he's a piece of shit that I am considering not buying any more books from directly. I have started to use my local library for more "prestige" comic/Graphic Novels (they have a smaller collection of Marvel/DC. But Omnibuses and newer Epics are rare to find in public libraries in Ireland that I've seen). They have Trade Paperbacks of Gaiman's work, especially all 5 volumes of Sandman and I think his Death spin-off comic. But that's for the future since right now is clearly not the time. I currently have on loan the first volume of John Constantine Hellblazer by Jamie Delano.