IV Ketamine, Spravato, Psylocibin, or TMS? I am currently in an IOP and nothing is helping, not even antidepressants.
I have severe treatment-resistant OCD. I have tried multiple different medications to no avail. All of my therapists have struggled with helping me, and my most recent one referred me to the IOP I am in. My therapists at the IOP are also struggling with how to attack my OCD, and they are going to bring in someone who specializes in the disorder to help soon.
I have already gotten consultations for IV Ketamine, Spravato, and TMS. I am also looking into TMS.
Do any of you have experience with any of these treatments? Which would you recommend? I am mostly interested in IV Ketamine but they are not covered by insurance. I understand Spravato is a weaker version but some say it is just as effective.
I have mostly aged out of physical compulsions, so not everything is mental. I experience them 24/7 and they are torturing me.