Question about body hair shaving techniques

Ugh, I've consulted a couple of sources today, but long story short, I'm having trouble finding conclusive answers.

Does anybody need else here have experience shaving their body hair for gender affirmation reasons? Because I need some advice. If you have any really solid videos or blogs or something on the subject, please comment with links if possible.

I (amab NB they/them) have been shaving most of my body hair for a couple or three months now, and I'm getting progressively better at it, for the most part, but I keep breaking out on my thighs and a little on my forearms since I started.

I already have had a bit of body acne for a while, but it generally is sequestered to my back. I don't know if this is quite the same thing or not. I'm not terribly concerned health-wisr or anything, but it bothers me bc I'd love to have just smooth skin with a relatively consistent complexion.

If you need details on my background or something in terms of skin care and other historical dermatological problems or annoyances I've had, feel free to ask.

TIA ❤️