How to fix this script to zero out Human IK controls?
I used quick rig/human ik to rig my character, however I the rig controllers all have non zero values on them, which I heard is a known limitation of this tool. I have this python script that solves it by placing the controllers under a group that will be at the controller's location and having zero values, however its not quite working. Its zeroing out some values, but setting 90 degree rotations on others. How can I write this so that it would have zero values on everything?
import maya.cmds as cmds
obj =
par = cmds.listRelatives (obj, p=True)[0]
adjGr =
(em=True, n='adj_'+obj)
tempCon = cmds.parentConstraint (obj, adjGr, n='tempCon', weight=1)[0]
cmds.delete (tempCon)
cmds.parent (adjGr, par)
cmds.parent (obj, adjGr)
UPDATE For anyone who comes across this issue in the future, I recommend switching to Advanced Skeleton instead of using Maya's quick rig tool. It avoided this issue completely, saved me a lot of time and is free for non commercial use.