Concerned about how my friends take MDMA

I did my first roll 2 months ago, I had no idea how this drug worked so I just took 2 pills, it ended up being 500mg of MDMA. The roll was absolutely insane, the effects were amazing, I loved it, my eyes were so messed up, they were just looking at all directions and I couldn’t control them. The only downside is I vomited once during the roll. My friends took 4-5 250mg pills during the night (we rolled from 9pm to 5am)

After this roll, I had extrasystoles (delayed heartbeats and absence of rhythm) which started 24 hours after rolling and lasted 10 days. I figured that this was caused by the fact that I took too much mdma.

Last week I rolled again. This time I took half a pill and redosed 3 times. This didn’t feel nearly as incredible as the first time. However, I still ended up taking 500mg through the entire night.

My heart arrythmia came back, even though it is not as annoying as the first time. I am going to see a doctor tomorrow for this reason.

I am interested in understanding, do most MDMA users really respect the 1.5mg/kg of body weight rule? I don’t have a clear understanding of what rolling looks like generally.

I want to start taking safe dosages but I am scared I’ll never feel the same pleasure again. i am obsessed with my first time. It was the best time of my life. My friends always take full 250mg pills and redose every 2 hours, and the rolls are always good for them. Is this considered dangerous? If so, why? They have done it several times and so far everything seems fine.