Hybrid shooters: what is your “go-to” F1.8 prime? (S5IIX)

I know this topic/question has been discussed a number of times on various threads, but am interested in the “why” behind your wide aperture prime lens of choice. How you use it, pros/cons, if you wish you had went with a longer/narrower focal length, etc.

Leaning towards the LUMIX 50mm F1.8. Seems like a great middle ground in terms of focal length (even when cropped), versatility with photo/video, and price point. LUMIX 85mm F1.8 is #2 on my list, at least for now. Set on F1.8 or F1.4, would prefer to stick with LUMIX but have used Sigma in the past.

Currently own: - Lumix S PRO 16-35mm F4 - Lumix S 24-105mm F4 - Lumix S 20-60mm F3.5-5.6 (Kit Lens)

Thank you in advance!