questionable +ve attention from girls (?)

17M. Ever since last year I've been getting quite a few stares in public. Also please note I live in North East India.

  1. Mostly when I'm out of town, which is usually for doctor's visits or just outing with my family
  2. It is only girls my around my age group.
  3. I find the stares creeeeepy. They don't even smile.
  4. They stare first, usually when I'm minding my own business - such as sitting ideally starring at the ground. I switch my glance, and some girl is tryna see behind my eye sockets.
  5. Stares last for minutes at a time. Does not matter if I lock eyes with them too.
  6. Poker faces mostly.
  7. This does not happen in places where I'm well known.
  8. These girls are mostly hella pretty (at least to me). Not to condescend anyone, but i feel more invisible around girls the lower down the looks system. As it should be ig, strangers behaving like strangers.
  9. this shit is very commonplace. like if im going out i KNOW this is gonna happen, and it does happen. girl by the bus, by the park, in the waiting queue. it just happens.

So fellow teens what is your opinion on the matter? ...btw, my problem with all this is just that its very weird since its never happened b4. and i have no idea what to make of it at all. FYI i am just a very teen boy lookin teen boy. introverted & cold mostly.