Anyone with heat intolerance doing HEMA?
I have some chronic health issues. One of them being dysautonomia or POTS. Due to this my body cannot regulate its own temperature very well. I usually always wear long sleeves and use fans or ice packs to cool down. But I’ve been to several classes without issue and had a flare up which happened to be around my more intense class. I might’ve pushed it going, but I think I’m alright. Everything feels okay.
I was only wearing the mask and gloves since we weren’t sparring with steel. But I got overheated and my body was already beginning to go into a pre-fainting spell. It came on suddenly and usually my body gives me more warning. I ended up being absolutely fine and everyone at class was very understanding. I still got to participate and learn.
But this wasn’t even in the full gear. I need to find ways to keep my body cooled down at an even temperature as best as possible in the gear. If anyone has any advice let me know. I really love doing this and I don’t want to just give it up.
(Edit: typos)