What are your suggestions for the survey?

Couple of things I wrote down. Might be unrealistic, might already be in CN. Just stuff I think would be interesting.


I would like a mode where we can deploy more than 6 units (10-15 preferred made up of the platoon and my dolls) with large battles that can be broken down into interconnected lanes and different objectives to keep it organized.

Another suggestion would be an endless wave mode with that same high number of dolls (10-15) that tallies total score or average score for the platoon with public rankings (if within top 100, otherwise percentile like in pvp).


A mode similar to Simulated Universe in HSR. My main problem with the game is there isn't much to do though they've been putting out small events/incentives back to back.

A dungeon diving mode similar to the one we had at launch but on an actual map with fog of war.

Similar to the Gunsmoke suggestion, rather than having three teams, having a 15 doll battle that is meant to be long and complex.

More enemy unit variety with more elites on a map.

Higher rewards for faster clears (like MoC in HSR but instead of the cutoff being 10 turns add 10 collapsed pieces for each turn less than that)

Essentially, I want stuff to do that flexes that fact that this is a XCOM-like game without implementing 'damage sponge' difficulty.

Edit- Another thought I had would be a scenario/map editor with a file share similar to Halo.