Honestly us Engage voters might actually have to strategically pick just one character to support next year

Given the not so happy outcome of CYL9 for Engage fans, we might need to do what TMS fans aren’t and just pick one character to throw all our votes behind. I’m pretty sure Yunaka and Ivy are just sharing each others votes, and given that Ivy was closest to winning it, Yunaka fans should probably just put all or most of their votes behind Ivy. The worst part is, Yunaka actually got beat by Tsubasa which means next year could be TMS fans year if we split the votes up again.

For the men’s division idk, maybe switch to voting Ivy or just heavily spam Diamant even tho his main competition will likely be Sigurd and Fomortiis.

Either way I’m just surprised we didn’t even get one engage winner this year. I really thought Ivy was gonna make it. Next year hopefully.

That being said maybe we should just have a meme vote character within engage to rally behind. Maybe we should all just heavily push for Brave Madeline or maybe Zelkov (cause they’re never gonna make it otherwise). Maybe we could win with that.