[Feedback] The CPU bottleneck is insane.

On low-medium I'm getting 40-50 fps on busier parts of maps especially when scoped in, during which my fps gets halved. I have a Ryzen 7 5800h with a 3070 to back it up, I should NOT be getting this bad of a performance.
BSG really need to take a good look at their technical debt, the game is almost 9 years old and we're still in a position where the optimization is just non-existent, the only info we're given is that "the game is meant for high-end PCs" apparently, while managing to look like DayZ or something, on a graphical level.
People keep hyping up DLSS but it's not going to do jack, when the game's multithreading is absolute dog water, and you get 40-50% CPU usage meanwhile your GPU is just chilling.
Please for the love of god do something with this, it's not excusable anymore, it never was, the game is soon to hit 1.0 if BSG are to believed, maybe invest some of your Unheard bucks into some more frames for the general population or something?