Which character should be expanded in the tv series?
Somebody may have already asked this, and if so I apologize, but I was inspired by another question here about which character you could stomach being cut from the show. Often times in screen adaptations there are also characters that end up with MORE story than they had in the books. So my question is, if you had to pick a character for them to give MORE importance to in the tv show, who would it be and why?
For me, I think I’d like to see more from:
1) Shruikan: let our boy be the badass dragon he is claimed to be for just one or two scenes 2) Jeod: such a critical member of the Varden could take on an expanded role in war councils and such 3) Eragon’s elven guard other than Blodhgarm: make me care more when Wyrden dies in Dras Leona