Going into 2nd year, beginning of base level” filter classes” kicking my ahh
Ok so basically what the caption says. I started off as a business major at a cc and eventually I just became really interested in engineering and I started at the lowest math available at my cc because I just didn’t care for school throughout highschool. I took my first courses that full under actual engineering curriculum at my cc last semester and since I started off as business mainly taking pre requisites I am considered a second year student. This semester I’m taking calc 2, engineering design 2, physics 1, and statics 1 (engineering mechanics I believe is the other name it goes by..?) these classes have been HANDING it to me. We are 3 weeks into the semester, coming up on the forth and I got super sick with the flu this week so I barely made any progress and now I’m in a spot where the missing work I have + upcoming work is a bit overwhelming, although I know I can do it, this is gonna sting bad. Statics completely through me under the bus and ran me over with test 1 which I showed up to sick as hell hanging on by a thread knowing I barely studied cause I was stuck in bed most of the week. 100% failed it.. probably with a really bad grade. not being a downer on my own grades but just self aware, this class drops the lowest test grade and replaces it with my final exam grade so I am not crazy worried I just cannot afford to slack off at all. A rude Wake up call to that class and all my other classes. I am sick of my own shit. I need to get it together. I don’t know if this is the point where I start developing some unhealthy mental habits to kick myself into functioning but I just need some guidance man. I refuse to be worn out and torn out of engineering by these base level filter classes. I WILL overcome this I just need some sort of guidance, something man, I know that this is something probably every engineering student goes through at one point but I just need to hear it from actual people who’ve been through it and not ChatGPT or my friends who aren’t in engineering or anybody else. I’m very psychologically drained because I just finally managed to get up out of bed today, and now I have 3x as much on my plate as I did when I first got sick and was already struggling. Just need some answers, some motivation to keep going forward. Praying to God I find a way through, this isn’t the easiest thing ever.