To everyone complaining about the difficulty of the DLC

I'll start things off with saying hat yes, it is hard. It's meant to be, all fromsoft DLCs are harder than the main game. But it's important to remember than it's been one day. You won't learn a boss' moveset and get the hang of it on the first attempt. Yes, they are harder and the openings are short but they're there. Give it time before you start critisizing the fight for not being able to beat it. I agree that the bosses are hard but none of the ones I fought so far are on Malenia's or orphan of Kos' level. Perhaps either people spęd through the game and tackled on the DLC before even understanding the game, or are so used to knowing all the bosses from the main game and bearing them with relative ease, that when they can't beat a new boss the same way it feels weird. Another thing are the scadutree blessings. If you're already at the final bosses then you probably sped through the DLC without exploring (unless you played literally all day non stop) and you're underleveled in that case. Imagine fighting Godfrey or Radagon for the first time on level 70. It would be pretty challenging, wouldn't it?