Hannah/Dare Sam Marino
I am aware that this is an unpopular opinion and I know I’m going to get nailed to the cross in the comments but I have to get this off of my chest: I would prefer Hannah with Dare over Aubrey.
Dare and Aubrey were not written like a couple who were getting a HEA. Yes, this is dark romance, but their relationship was more depressing than anything else. Aubrey is miserable with Dare post-IITH. Even during IITH, everything she says and does is motivated by the fact that she doesn’t want to upset Dare. Even her saying “I love you” to him for the first time was just to placate him after they got in a fight and she was scared shitless afterwards. She is dying on the inside in the Sleeping Beauty. She’s still not allowed to have any friends or communication with anyone other than Dare. In Brutal Ambition, she tells Brynn (the fmc of that book) that she only wears skirts because that’s what Dare prefers her in, and she’s scared to even mention Hannah (even though Dare brought her up first) because of how he might’ve reacted.
Now, Hannah and Dare…I don’t know if Sam Marino is gaslighting or if I’m reading too much into it but she implied multiple times that there is something there. For example:
- Dare has a tattoo of Hannah
- Dare manipulated Anae into harassing Hannah in lieu of his absence
- Dare referred to her as not being his type during their first meeting because she was too weak, but his attitude towards her seemed to shift after the classroom scene where she stood up to him (again, I could be reading too much into it)
- Hannah has nightmares every night since prom (? not sure if that’s when they started but Dare scares her that badly), but after speaking to Dare for the first time in months, he tells her to go to sleep and she sleeps with no problems
- Dare made Aubrey unknowingly roleplay as Hannah (because she was wearing a blonde wig for Halloween) and referred to her as Sleeping Beauty (which was Hannah’s Halloween costume) after she passes out. Am I supposed to think he wasn’t imagining her as Hannah during the somnophilia scene or???
- People keep saying that Dare’s hatred/obsession for Hannah is because he’s jealous of Hannah/Aubrey, but he said out of his own mouth in the classroom scene that he is not jealous because he’s knows Aubrey will never leave him.
- He absolutely was not joking about that threesome at prom
- It’s hinted (implied? foreshadowed?) that Dare would cheat on Aubrey in Sleeping Beauty
They have a more interesting relationship than Aubrey/Dare BY FAR. Again, I’m aware that this is an unpopular opinion, but even if Hannah/Dare doesn’t happen, I wouldn’t mind the throuple, because Hannah is the thread keeping Aubrey and Dare together. Aubrey can’t leave because Dare would retaliate and hurt Hannah, Dare uses Hannah as leverage to keep Aubrey where he wants her. I’m interested in their dynamic and I feel like a lot of backlash would be lessened if Sam Marino would’ve just made her intentions clear (or more clear, because she hinted at it all throughout EIITH if we’re being honest).