What is the price of a child?

When worst comes to worse

And in fear you hide away

Be it through bombs or a giant death ray

When it is here, the end of days

Who gets shelter in the bunker

Who is to be given priority

Look around and ask this question

What is a child's life worth to thee?


When war has broken out

And refugees are forced to flee

Millions die while crossing seas

All just looking for a peaceful place to be

What tragic picture grabs your attention

What stories grip you most

Look around and ask the following question

What is a child's life worth to thee?


When the news is on tv

And it talks of the most heinous acts

Some innocent people who got attacked

Unprovoked and without a chance to react

What kind of victim makes you most mad

What group of people do you wish to protect the most

Look around and ask this one question

What is a child's life worth to thee?


When life goes on as usual

And you're on a shopping spree

Buying clothes with friends and family

Such fun that you're skipping around in glee

But where do these clothes come from

Who made them and in what circumstances

Look around and ask this pressing question

What is a child's life worth to thee?