I loved the midseason patch
Honestly me 3 days ago had so little faith in this patch. I’ve played overwatch for 8 years and over time with bad patches and bad metas, I’ve learned a bad habit of praying for changes and never getting a good one. Like GOATS for basically a year or year+ was it and then with double shield.
Recently again with all the doom surrounding dps being underpowered and supports being too powerful and tracer being too weak for her skill ceiling I was once again reluctant to hope for a “miraculous update” like I did for GOATS and double shield especially after they made a lacklustre season 14 launch patch.
I was so pleasantly surprised when they not only nerfed hazard but buffed Winston. They also didn’t nerf soj or genji and just looked to buff dps instead and some supports got nerfs. I understand that maybe echo did not need a buff but the fact they let soj and genji stay strong and increased the power of dps compared to supports was so nice to see.
This isn’t a dps vs supports post. It’s just been such a popular opinion that dps needed their power increased and supports their power decreased so they could contribute on equal levels to the match. This update showed direction towards that. Idk why I see some YouTubers say that the update is meaningless because to me it is anything but.
I love the update. ITS LOVELY!!!