Covid symptoms are so wack. Definitely not “like a cold” lmao. Day 5, boosted, 25.

Some weird symptoms I’m having (edited to add more)

  1. I can’t really taste or smell some foods… I DEEP sniffed wasabi and NOTHING. NOT EVEN A SNEEZE.

  2. I’m always hungry. Like always… now “covid 15” is literally the weight I gain having covid being isolated in my room unable to exercise (too tired to exercise anyways)

  3. Is… my hair falling out? I swear I blew out some nose hairs and my lash extensions r just dropping off 🙃

  4. I don’t feel full… ever. Actually my whole body doesn’t really feel anything like I’m numb + brain fog (common symptom). Hours pass by so fast.

  5. Breaking out on face

  6. Is … my period coming earlier?