2 tech workers looking to leave US

Hi, we are DINKs and own our own 2000sqft home and both work in technology. We both have degrees, well I have degrees plural, he has degree singular and some good certs. Tech salaries in the UK, Scotland, Ireland don’t look great.... as in... like less than 1/2 my salary here not great. A security engineer there makes $38k?!?!? That's a minimum $110k here!!! And data engineers make $65k? Here it's like $130k. How do you immigrate from the US and survive on that low of a salary? We'd prefer to move to a more walkable place in a mostly English speaking country. Mostly looking at UK, Scotland, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Germany. (Probably in that order of preference). But with how much we make here I cannot fathom how we would make ends meet taking a gigantic pay cut. Compared to what we've paid in interest, loans, just buying things we need in the US... how does one pull it off? How do we sell the car I bought here for $20k and buy a lesser car there for $40k?

I know people live and thrive and are wealthy in Europe but how? But I need to be prepared to get out of here. I'm at my wits end with this country.

Any advice about how the transition goes and being able to live on a tech worker salary in Europe?