AITA for not giving straight yes/no responses to my husband’s questions?
I don’t give a non answer. I give an answer. It just might not be yes/no. It drives my husband nuts. He gets annoyed and I feel like he’s overreacting. Here are some examples:
“Do you want butter and honey on your toast?” “I want butter and jam”
“Did you want to see a movie tonight?” “I feel like staying in”
“Is that bill paid for?” “I actually need to go back and look at that because they sent the wrong amount”
“Did you talk to X about Y?” “He didn’t call me yet”
Are my types of answers really that bad? Why does he get so annoyed with these answers? (Feel free to convince me to be more sympathetic and change my answers; I just kind of think he’s being overreactive when I am clearly not avoiding the question. It’s like he wants an exact answer to the question.
EDIT/UPDATE: A lot of people saying I do this intentionally and maliciously. I don’t. It’s a habit of how I talk and answer questions. I am aware it annoys him and I do try to adjust but I don’t always because, again, it’s a habit of talking. It can be difficult to change the way you communicate. It takes time. He also explains why it annoys him (unclear answers, sometimes ambiguous, he has a lot of vagueness at work and would just like some straightforwardness at home, sometimes lack of clarity scares him like wondering if I can’t be more direct with important situations). I understand all this and am sympathetic and do try to adjust. It just feels like a little much when he gets annoyed at something that I don’t see at that big of a deal.