WIBTA if I tell me girlfriend that I'm breaking up with her because of her religion?

Hi Everyone,

I know this is a sensitive topic and I ask everyone to please try to keep hate away and be civil in the comments.

I (27M) have been a relationship with my girlfriend (27F) for the last 3 years. My girlfriend and I met during a work-related conference and have been dating since. I am a practicing hindu but like not super practicing (like I occasionally go to temple, but almost always with my parents, don't eat beef etc. ) and my girlfriend was raised christian but is no longer practicing. Around 2 years ago we decided to move in together. One thing about my girlfriend is that she is somewhat of an activist. She was very involved in activism for several marginalised communities when she was in college and has been very vocal about several political issues within the US and abroad. Around a year ago she started getting involved with the Israel-Palestine conflict. She has been a part of several protests within the city and has been involved with a local community organisation.

Around 4 months ago she started researching Islam and told me that she was interested by the religion. She had made a friend that she met through the protests and the organisation that she was a part of who had converted to Islam. She and her became really close and she introduced her to the religion. Around 3 months ago she told me that she was converting to Islam and that she really resonates with the religion. I told her that while she is free to do whatever she wants, From what I know, Islam is not a religion which really supports some of the causes she has fought for before. She told me that media and people often misinterpret the religion and that I was probably doing the same. I told her maybe I am wrong about this and that again she is free to do whatever she wants. People have misinterpreted my religion before so I could be wrong about this but idk. She has since been regularly going to the local mosque and even got a copy of Quran for herself. Our conflicts began when she tried to bring me along to the local mosque, at first I made up excuses saying that I was busy or I had to work but after I while, I told her no because I have no interest in that. I started researching the religion a little at her behest because I didn't know a lot about it and it genuinely didn't resonate with me at all, the way it did with her. Around two weeks ago, she asked me to remove an idol that our parents gifted us when we first moved in. I told her that it's out of the question and that it sits in a tiny little corner and doesn't stick out. She told me that she's not comfortable with it being in the house. I told her I'm not comfortable with the Quran being in this house, but I don't complain about that. She didn't speak to me about that after this.

The first big fight began when my parents came to meet us around a week ago. I told my girlfriend not bring up religion because I don't want unnecessary conflict in the meeting (My parents can be a bit islamophobic). When my mom brought up that we should all probably head out to temple before they leave she told my mom that her religion prevents her from idol worshipping. My mom asked her if she had started going to church again. I interjected and told my mom that my girlfriend doesn't want to come and that the three us should probably go now. My mom said okay but my girlfriend decided to tell my parents that she had converted to Islam. She told my mom that she found her calling through the religion and that was the reason she converted. My parents being absolute saints in this situation just said "Oh" and nodded along. When we left to go, My dad asked me how long as she has been a Muslim and I told him that only for 3 months now. My mom was looking a little shellshocked and she told me that I should not listen to her, if she tried to sell me on the religion. The whole conversation when it was just the three of us was a little awkward and uncomfortable as they were trying to tell me that I should break up with her, instead of just saying it.

When I got back home, my girlfriend told me that she was disappointed to see me leave and abandon her when my parents came. I told her that going to temple was always the plan, and that I didn't force her to come or anything. She then told me that I should have also not gone with them as Idol-worship is a sin in islam and she only wants the best for me. I told her I don't preach my beliefs to her and she shouldn't either. She then told me that she wanted me to at least try and come to mosque with her and that I will actually like the community and the people around. I got angry and told her that I have no interest in coming to the mosque with her and that she should drop the issue.

We didn't speak for a couple of days after that. When we did, I apologised to her for getting angry and she again told me that I have to at least consider coming with her. I got angry again and told her that she has stop all the preaching that she's doing to me as it is seriously putting a strain on our relationship. I told her that living together before getting married is also forbidden under her religion so is some of the activism that she has been a part of before this. She was quick to drop the issue and I thought that we were fine until yesterday.

Yesterday she told me that we should get married as soon as possible. I asked her where is all this coming from and she told me that she talked to people and considering what I said before, that we should get married as soon as possible. I told her that I will think about it and tell her since I genuinely didn't want to fight. I have been thinking about this for a while now and I really need some advice on this issue. I was genuinely considering proposing before all this but I don't know anymore if this is going to work out. So reddit WIBTA if I break-up with my girlfriend because of her religion