Deadly Fauna
I'm still new to warhammer lore but I made a homebrew plant species for my Felinid character since I wanted to add more story building to her as a farmer back in Carlos McConnell (her homeplanet) since there's so little about the lore for them.
She made the equivalent of a defensive measure against Tyranid hoardes since she mostly lived in isolation after leaving the village she grew up in.The plants are carefully cultivated and crossbreed with a few plant species that only reacts to distinct chemical shifts/alterations as well as it is highly adaptable based on the environment and climate conditions.
In this case, it only reacts to Tyranids exclusively as the moment the spores emitting from the flowers get into contact with it. It deteriorates the insides once inhaled as the full affect of it being able to "kill" them under a few minutes from exposure to the spores. The result of inhaling too much of the spores in would be a triggered reaction with their brains being forcefully shut off due to rapid increase in these chemicals.
There is also a different type of homebrew fauna I made that is basically a cross hybrid between an alien/mutated version of Venus Fly Traps (Dionaea) and Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes) that is only aggressive to the target species it is conditioned for. The stems are extendable upon attacking/in attempt to devour an organism. Any species can pass through without injury unless provoked, it will turn hostile.
It does have a level of intelligence as it can recognize organisms in the environment through sensory indicators such as scent or touch. In addition, it rapidly grows back when it is cut off by the stem. The only way for stopping the growth permanently would be locating the origin of the seed itself and destroying it.
I'm still working on the concept arts for the homebrew plants I created at the moment. But I would love to hear any suggestions or other recommendations (since I still need a bit of help understanding the lore of warhammer as I am relatively new to it).